๐Ÿ“ก Router contract

The main entry point of the Protocol that handles all incoming write transactions.


function provideLiquidity(
    FutureId futureId,
    UD60x18 notional,
    UD60x18 depositAmount,
    SD59x18 lowerBound,
    SD59x18 upperBound,
    uint deadline,
    bool settleMaturedPositions,
    OraclePackage[] calldata oraclePackages
) external payable returns (LiquidityProvisionResult memory, MarginWithThreshold memory);

Function for providing liquidity to a particular future.

Facilitates the provision of notional amount of liquidity for futureId in range between lowerBound and upperBound rates.

Optionally a deposit could be made alongside the trade by setting depositAmount param for ERC20 tokens, msg.value for native tokens or both for a double deposit. (Check deposit section for details)

The actual provided notional amount could differ from the requested due to rounding. The resulting value can be checked in LiquidityProvisionResult return struct.

Output values:


function removeLiquidity(
    FutureId futureId,
    UD60x18 notional,
    SD59x18 lowerBound,
    SD59x18 upperBound,
    uint deadline,
    bool settleMaturedPositions,
    OraclePackage[] calldata oraclePackages
) external returns (LiquidityRemovalResult memory, MarginWithThreshold memory);

Function for removing liquidity from a future.

Removes notional amount of liquidity from given futureId in range from lowerBound to upperBound.

Ensure that there is provided liquidity in selected range before calling the function.

Output values:


function deposit(
  MarketId marketId,
  address recipient,
  UD60x18 amount,
  bool settleMaturedPositions,
  OraclePackage[] calldata oraclePackages
) external payable;

Deposits funds for collateral from the caller into the cross-margin account of the recipient for specific marketId.

The function can be called in different ways:

  1. ERC-20 token deposit An amount of the ERC-20 asset, defined as the underlying for a given marketId , is being transferred from the msg.sender to the recipient 's cross-margin account.

  2. Native token deposit (ETH) Is available only for Markets that use wrapped native assets (e.g: WETH) as underlying. The deposit amount is specified by the caller in form of a {value: amount_in_eth} during the call. Deposited native tokens get wrapped into their ERC20 version.

  3. Hybrid โ€” ERC-20 & ETH deposit together An amount parameter can be used together with {value: amount_in_eth} parameter of the same call. That allows to deposit two assets in a single call.

Before depositing ERC-20 assets make sure that the Router contract has allowance() to transfer funds on behalf of the caller for the Market's underlying asset. Use ERC-20's standard approve() for setting this allowance.

These 3 different ways to deposit are also supported on functions:

Input parameters:


function withdraw(
  MarketId marketId,
  bool unwrapNativeToken,
  UD60x18 amount,
  bool settleMaturedPositions,
  OraclePackage[] calldata oraclePackages
) external;

Function for the caller to reduce their collateral amount in the specified marketId. Ensure you have sufficient collateral above the IMR threshold before calling this function.

Input parameters:


function executeTrade(
  FutureId futureId,
  RiskDirection.Value direction,
  UD60x18 notional,
  SD59x18 futureRateLimit,
  UD60x18 depositAmount,
  uint256 deadline,
  bool settleMaturedPositions,
  OraclePackage[] memory oraclePackages
) external payable returns (TradeInfo memory, MarginWithThreshold memory);

Executes an interest rate future trade for the specified futureId with chosen risk direction (either as a Payer or a Receiver) and notional value.

Optionally a deposit could be made alongside the trade by setting depositAmount param for ERC20 tokens, msg.value for native tokens or both for a double deposit. (Check deposit section for details)

Output values:


function persistIndexAtMaturity(
    FutureId futureId, 
    OraclePackage calldata oraclePackage
) external;

Persists the index value for a future at maturity. Can only be called by maturity couriers.


function updateAndGetLastIndex(
    MarketId marketId, 
    OraclePackage[] calldata oraclePackages
) external returns (SD59x18);

Updates and returns the last index for a market using provided oracle packages.

Output values:

  • int256 The updated last index value for the market


function cancelProvisions(
    MarketId marketId,
    address maker,
    OraclePackage[] calldata oraclePackages
) external returns (UD60x18 reward);

Cancels the liquidity provision positions for the maker in specified marketId when his margin is less than minimal required.

As a result the caller would get a reward amount of underlying tokens as an incentive.

Output values:

  • uint256 Amount of reward obtained from the cancellation


function liquidatePositions(
  MarketId marketId,
  FutureId[] calldata futureIds,
  UD60x18[] calldata positionsPercentage,
  address owner,
  bool settleMaturedPositions,
  OraclePackage[] calldata oraclePackages
) external returns (TradeInfo[] memory tradesInfo, UD60x18 reward);

Liquidate positions of the owner, whose margin fell below the Liquidation Threshold in a specific Market. To determine whether a user's position could be liquidated use Quoter.isLiquidatable call.

Liquidations are carried out against the liquidity that is provided by Makers to the Futures' pool.

The caller performs trades on behalf of positions owner , but in the opposite direction, effectively lowering user's exposure to the risk. In return the liquidator gets a reward that is deducted from owner's margin account.

This function can only be called by users with LIQUIDATOR role.

Output values:

  • TradeInfo[] โ€” an array containing information about each trade performed during the liquidation

  • reward โ€” Amount of an underlying asset that was transferred to caller's margin account as an incentive for the liquidation.


function transferPositionsOwnership(
  MarketId marketId,
  address owner,
  UD60x18 depositAmount,
  bool settleMaturedPositions,
  OraclePackage[] memory oraclePackages
) external payable returns (UD60x18 transferAmount, UD60x18 depositAmount);

Lets the caller to take over the ownership of owner's positions in specified marketId. Can be called when owner's margin is below the Liquidation Threshold. To determine whether a user's position could be liquidated use Quoter.isLiquidatable call.

As positions will be transferred to the caller, please ensure you have enough margin your account. Optionally, a deposit can also be performed along with this call.

Output values:

  • uint256 transferAmount โ€” amount of margin that was transferred from previous owner of the Position to the caller;

  • uint256 depositAmount โ€” additional amount of collateral that was required on top of caller's margin and transferred amount.


function settleMaturedFutures(MarketId marketId) external;

Settles matured positions for the called in the specified market


function collectProtocolFee(
    MarketId marketId, 
    address recipient,
    UD60x18 amount
) external;

Allows the collection of protocol fees for a specific market.


function emergencyERC20TokenTransfer(
    address tokenAddress, 
    address to, 
    uint amount
) external;

Allows the owner to make an emergency transfer of ERC20 tokens from the contract. This can be useful in situations to recover tokens accidentally sent to the contract.


function emergencyERC20TokenTransfer(
    address tokenAddress, 
    address to, 
    uint amount
) external;

Allows the owner to make an emergency transfer of native tokens from the contract. This can be useful in situations to recover tokens accidentally sent to the contract.


function getContractProvider() external view returns (IContractProvider);

Returns ContractProvider contract


function getAcm() external view returns (IAccessControlManager);

Returns AccessControlManager contract


Documentation on all the structs mentioned in this page:


Result of a provide liquidity transaction

struct LiquidityProvisionResult {
  UD60x18 providedNotional;
  UD60x18 totalPoolNotional;


Provides information about margin account state

struct MarginWithThreshold {
  Margin.Value currentMargin;
  SD59x18 marginThreshold;

Last updated