🏦 Rho Liquidity Vault
Rho’s Liquidity Vault is a market-neutral liquidity strategy designed for users seeking passive, high-yield returns in on-chain rate markets.
By depositing USDT into the Vault, you become a liquidity provider for Rho Protocol’s vAMMs. In return, you receive a portion of the trading fees generated whenever traders open or close positions on the platform. Additionally, the Vault plays a role during liquidations, earning extra fees when these events occur.
Key Benefits:
Passive Income: The Vault continuously scans the rate markets to allocate capital to the highest-yield opportunities.
Minimum directional exposure: Minimizing directional exposure so that returns are derived mainly from trading and liquidation fees rather than price speculation.
Institutional-Grade: Tailored for hedge funds, DAOs, protocols, and crypto-native traders seeking consistent returns.
Zero-fees approach: We don’t charge any fees on Rho Vault. You can deposit in Rho Vaults and enjoy the full APY with zero fees.
How It Works (Step by Step):
Deposit: Allocate capital (USDT) into the Vault via Rho’s platform
Deployment: The Vault distributes liquidity across Rho’s rate markets targeting the best risk-adjusted returns.
Earnings: As trading activity occurs on the platform, the Vault collects a share of the fees.
Liquidations: The Vault triggers liquidations on under-collateralized accounts and earn fees, therefore, boosting returns.
Withdrawal: You can withdraw your share from the Vault at any time—there’s no lock-up period. Rho maintains a liquid reserve to enable near-instant withdrawals. In rare cases, more complex withdrawals that could affect the protocol’s operations may take up to two days. More information for Vaults depositors HERE.
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